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Codice: 3MMB1XXB.3801
Disponibilità: 1

Prezzo: € 20,25 Iva inclusa

Vuoi riceverlo giovedì 16 gennaio?
Ordina entro 21 ore e 9 minuti e scegli spedizione 1 giorno.

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Scheda tecnica

COUGAR Bunker is the perfect solution for those gamers who want to enjoy the superior reliability, response and accuracy of a wired gaming mouse while at the same time preventing the mouse cord from getting in their way.

With a patented design that provides unsurpassed durability, stability and portability, COUGAR Bunker is one of the best investments a serious gamer can make.

Product name COUGAR Bunker Gaming Mouse Bungee
Dimension 110mm x 70mm x 115mm
Weight 85g
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